How to transition electronic giving from Vanco to Church Center

Trinity Lutheran has transitioned to a new membership database from Shepherd’s Staff to Church Center. In doing so, we are also transitioning our electronic payments from Vanco to the Church Center app. We believe you will find the features of Church Center to be a convenient upgrade to our old system. Once you have made the transition, you can log in to your donor profile at any time to update payment methods or recurring frequency, view your donation history, access tax statements, and set communication preferences.

We ask that you would make this transition before the end of 2020. The year end giving statement you will receive from our Director of Finance will reflect both your Vanco and Church Center giving.

Instructions to cancel your Vanco accounts:

  1. Visit the GIVE page on our website.

  2. Then login to your Vanco account.

  3. Click on the “Profile” tab located towards the top of the page

  4. In the profile tab, you may click on “Cancel Profile” . This will delete your account and all future transactions through Vanco.

  5. You will then be presented with a page saying “You have successfully canceled your profile”.

To set up your electronic giving with the new Church Center Platform via your phone:

After your Vanco account is cancelled, please login to Church Center. Church Center offers an easy App that you can uses on your smart phone to start electronic giving with our new provider. For alternate instructions to set up electronic giving on your personal computer, please refer back to our Church Center Introduction page.

Additionally, you can contact Scott Hoeft if you have questions on electronic giving or need help canceling your Vanco account. Vanco payments will not be accepted after January 31.